اِلخَميس ٢٧ رمضان ١٤٤٦
محتوا مجلات SKUMS

 Title: Journal of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences (JSKUMS)
Scope: The scientific research Journal of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences is ready to publish research articles, reviews, case reports, and short articles in various fields of medical, paramedical, health sciences, and nursing and midwifery in the shortest possible time and for free
Tel, Fax: +98 38 33349509
Email: shahrekordmedjournal@skums.ac.ir ,majalleh_skums@yahoo.com
eISSN: 2717-0071

 Title: International Journal of Epidemiologic Research (IJER)
Scope: International Journal of Epidemiologic Research publishes Original Articles, Review Articles and Meta-analyses, Editorials, Letters to Editors, and Brief Communications related to all aspects of Epidemiology such as Environmental, Genetic, and Molecular Epidemiology and so on are welcome
Tel, Fax: +98 38 33349509
Fax: +98 38 33349509
Email: ijer@skums.ac.ir, bahramigh62@yahoo.com
eISSN: 2383-4366

 Title: Advanced Herbal Medicine
Scope:: Advanced Herbal Medicine publishes Original Articles, Review Articles, Meta-analyses, Editorials, Letters to Editors, and Short Communications related to all aspects of “Phytomedicine” including basic, clinical applications of herbs and natural products, and effects of common food ingredients and standardized plant extracts
Tel, Fax: +98 38 33349509
Email: herbmed@skums.ac.ir
eISSN: 2423-3579

 Title: Journal of Multidisciplinary Care
Scope: Journal of Multidisciplinary care (JMC) focuses mainly on the caring sciences in clinical education and practice, inter-disciplinary and multidisciplinary research, health care management and policies, health promotion, health education, management of acute and chronic diseases, and implementation of supportive and educative caring plans
Tel, Fax: +98 38 33349509
Email: cnm.journal@skums.ac.ir, jcnm.skums@gmail.com

 Title: Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology (JHP)
Scope: Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology (J Herbmed Pharmacol) is a multidisciplinary journal publishing manuscripts in the fields of medicinal plants, pharmacology, and therapeutics. The journal area includes “Complementary and Alternative Medicine”, “Plant Science”, “Biochemistry”, "Genetics”, and “Molecular Biology” (miscellaneous)” 
Tel: 0098 381 334 6692
Fax: 0098 381 333 0709
Email: rafieian@skums.ac.ir
eISSN: 2345-5004
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